My First Investor's Pitch and The Inspiration it Gave Me

Rare Video Alert: On this month 6 years ago, I pitched for the first time in front of a panel that comprised of an Angel Investor, 2 govt funds and a banking executive. The pitch was part of a month long entrepreneurship accelerator for Emiratis. Our task: Develop a concept or prototype that addresses a challenge in the market and pitch it in front of a panel to win support or funding.

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How Can You Tell if You Did Great in a Job Interview?

Ever been in an interview and thought that you aced it? You were about to celebrate even before the employer got back to you. Only to find out that you actually bombed the interview and you were not shortlisted.

In this post i share what one of my candidates experienced during their interview. Also, an interesting post on the tell-tale sings of a promising job interview.

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Talib Hashim
This is what happened when I confronted my fear the last time

In early 2019, I had the chance to confront one of my long-standing fears and step out of my comfort zone.

It was during the announcement ceremony of the 26th World Volunteer Conference which is set to happen next year in Abu Dhabi.

I was called in 2 days prior to the ceremony and offered to take on the role of MC/Host and panel discussion facilitator in short notice. I am comfortable hosting and speaking in public events and do so professionally. However, I've always been reluctant to speak in Arabic.

Read more about how I confronted my fear of stepping out of my own comfort zone.

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Talib Hashim
My Tips on How To Write a Winning Career Objective Statement in Your CV

I wanted to share with you quickly what I think a winning Career Objective statement in a CV should look like. (You know the part at the top at the beginning of your CV?)

So for those of you planning to apply for jobs this week, or if you are an employer and reviewing CVs; I would recommend you take 60 seconds out of your time to watch this video.

Please share with anyone who could find this useful. And if you enjoyed this video may I ask you to please click the 'Like' button.

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Talib Hashim
How To Get On The Radar of Your Target Audience

In my last video I mentioned the importance of getting on the "radar" of your targer audience.

In this video I explain why, and share a story of the first workshop I attended when I just started my company in 2006.

Plus, I have a request after watching the video. It’s a small way we can help each other gain a better chance getting employed.

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Talib Hashim
Searching For a Job During the COVID-19 Era

Probably the most common question I get today from jobseekers and employees looking for change in their careers is: "Are there any jobs available out there at the moment"?

My answer is: There could be, but it's a process.

In this video i explain more about what this process entails.

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Talib Hashim
What is the most important leadership trait you feel we need right now?

It's during periods of uncertainty, fear and challenges where true leadership is needed in all walks of life.

I believe the current period will separate people with real 'leadership character' and 'leadership skills', apart from the 'pretenders' who attained a position or title of leadership without really deserving it.

I posted a video where I share how I best describe leadership character and leadership skills.

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Talib HashimTBH Consultancy
Could We Have 'Gollums' Working With Us?

With the current uncertainties in the world, layoffs and downsizing by employers in the region are becoming common. But one other long term consequence I'm concerned about is the likelihood of keeping the 'bad apples' on their jobs, at the cost of losing 'good talent'.

These are people of influence and power who would do anything to push people out, people our companies and economy needs most at these times. These are people who push back against any form of change as long as it does not serve their interests.

In this video I share what are the dangers of this, and how can we deal with the dangers of keeping the ‘Gollums’ of this world in our workplace.

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