Five Things Jobseekers and Employees Can Do To Keep The Negative Thoughts At Bay

Sometimes we get too bogged down with toxic and negative thoughts, that it clouds our vision of the present and the future.

Here are 5 things I do to keep myself connected to the positive future I envision, and fight off the negative and pessimistic thoughts.

✳ But first an important note: Having negative thoughts is normal! Anyone who tells you otherwise is either living in a bubble or delusional. It's how our brains as human beings are wired.

BUT what really matters is how we REACT to these thoughts, and how much CONTROL do we give these thoughts over our lives.

Here are the 5 things I do:

1 - Find ways to express my creative-self. Whether your thing is writing, drawing, sports, or developing a new product or creating a business. Creativity feeds off positivity, and at the same time feeds you with positive energy.

2 - Practise kindness. It really works. Make it a point to make someone's day everyday. That includes yourself too!

3 - Live and enjoy the present moment. I found that at times I get so caught up by the future, that I miss out on what's surrounding me at this present moment. Mindfulness works. Meditation is great, or a simple walk everyday would do.

4 - Mind my own business. This is a tough one. My favorite mantra me and my wife have embraced this year is: "NOT my circus, NOT my monkeys". Reduce your exposure to drama from social media.

5 - Keep away from people who love to complain, but do nothing about their problems. People who are always cynical. People who are drama queens (and kings) πŸ‘ΈπŸ€΄ and try to drag you to their problems. JUST MIND YOUR OWN BUSINESS.

Talib Hashim